Benefits of Kelpak on Beans, Dry/Green & Lupins
Kelpak trials on dry and green beans in South Africa, Poland, Australia and Canada all show increased yields:
- Increases root number and mass
- Improves natural nutrient uptake
- Increases overall plant growth
- Increases number of pods per plant
- Increases seed weight, yields and returns
Recommended application rates
Apply at 180 ml/100 kg as seed treatment before planting.
or Apply 1 - 2 L/ha in furrow over seed with planter
and Spray 2 - 3 L/ha between V6 and R1 growth stage (pre-flowering.)
Lupins : Spray 2 L/ha between 2 to 5 weeks after germination.
Kelpak can be applied in conjunction with standard fertilizer programs pH of spray solution should be below 7 for optimum results.
Up to 55 % yield increases above standard