Benefits of Kelpak on Cotton
Kelpak increases cotton's ability to explore a larger soil volume due to increased root density. This in turn allows the cotton, when at full boll load, to access more soil resources resulting in reduced boll shedding:
- Improves rooting
- Improves drought resistance
- Better plant vigour
- Improves flowering
- More first position fruit
- Increases total boll count
- Increases yield
Recommended application rates
Planting 500 ml (1:200) Water injection at planting.
Foliar spray 2L/ha (1:300) Apply at 12 node stage. Spray at first flower visible on first fruiting branch (flower at candle).
Apply second spray 14 days later. Spray at approximately 15-16 nodes (flowers visible on the first 4-5 flowering branches).