Benefits of Kelpak on Canola (Oilseed rape)
Kelpak trials on canola (oilseed rape) in Germany, Hungary, Poland and South Africa reflect significant yield increases:
- Improves root development
- Rapid establishment of rosette
- Protects growth tip against environmental pressures
- Autumn application improves winter hardiness
- Significantly increases seed and oil yield
Canola yield
Recommended application rates
Southern Hemisphere
2 - 3 L/ha foliar at the 3 to 4-leaf stage
(BBCH 13-14).
Northern Hemisphere
2 x 2 L/ha foliar in autumn (BBCH 13-14) and at start of spring growth – rosette stage
(BBCH 28-30)
3 L/ha at start of spring growth - rosette stage (BBCH 28-30).