Benefits of Kelpak on Plums
Kelpak trials on plums indicate significant benefits including pollen germination, fruit set and retention resulting in improved fruit sizing, yields and colour:
- Improves rooting of nursery trees
- Stimulates root and shoot development in newly developed and established orchards
- Improves fruit set and fruit retention in bearing trees
- Increases fruit size and brix levels
- Increases yields
Recommended application rates
Bearing trees Three Foliar sprays of 3 L/ha at pink bud to 50% bloom; petal fall and sepal fall. Optional sizing sprays after pit hardening and 14 days later
Post harvest Spray at 0.2% with nitrogen application and repeated 14 days later for recovery of heavy bearing
Tree establishment Dip bare roots of nursery trees in 1% Kelpak solution directly before plant-out. For better tree development apply foliar sprays of 250 ml Kelpak per 100 L of water (0.25%) with foliar sprays during early growth