Benefits of Kelpak on Capsicums
Trials carried out on capsicum crops in South Africa, California and Peru improved early harvest and marketable yields with increases in shelf-life of up to one week:
- Reduces transplant shock
- Increases root and shoot vigour
- Improves resistance to nematodes
- Increases fruit size
- Higher early harvest yields
- Increases shelf-life
Capsicum varieties:
Recommended application rates
Dip the roots of seedlings (or seedling tray) in 1% Kelpak before transplanting into the field or greenhouse.
Follow up with a 2 L/ha Kelpak foliar spray 14 days later and repeat the foliar spray once or twice at 14 day intervals. Spray direct seeded crops at 3 to 4-leaf stage and repeat once or twice at 14 day intervals.
Alternatively to seedling dip at plant-out, Kelpak may be applied at 7 L/ha as a pulse through drippers after transplanting. Rinse lines after pulse.