Biostimulant range:
Kelpak Biostimulant
Kelpak Biostimulant, supplied in a range of pack sizes is a natural group of compounds containing active elements that promote ultimate plant health, crop quality and yield. Kelpak Biostimulant may not be available in some regions. Please contact us for confirmation
Kelpak Biostimulant.
Activating the plants natural biological activity
Kelpak biostimulants contains several natural biologically active substances complemented by natural carbohydrate and carboxylic acid complexes that promote the natural production of elements essential and beneficial to plant biology.
Kelpak was historically seen as an auxin based product due to the strong rooting effect on treated plants. Advanced analytical technology, however showed only micro levels (parts per billion) of actives traditionally associated with plant growth, while Kelpak actually has higher levels of polyamines and phlorotannins. It is these these actives that are now coming to the fore.
PACK SIZES: 500 ml, 1 L, 5 L, 10 L, 20 L, 25 L
APPLICATION RATESKelpak Biostimulant for formulation
Kelpak Biostimulant for formulations, supplied in large volume totes, contains a high level of actives that promote ultimate plant health, crop quality and yield. Kelpak Biostimulant may not be available in some regions, contact us for confirmation
Kelpak Biostimulant.
Activating the plants natural biological activity
Kelpak biostimulants contains several natural biologically active substances complemented by natural carbohydrate and carboxylic acid complexes that promote the natural production of elements essential and beneficial to plant biology.
The product was historically seen as an auxin-based product due to the strong rooting effect on treated plants. Recent research, however showed only micro levels (parts per billion) while Kelpak actually has higher levels of polyamines and phlorotannins. It is these these actives that are now coming to the fore in this powerful biostimulant.
PACK SIZES: 210 L, 250 L & 1050 L